Tender Details

Amendment no.9 regarding extension of closing date and opening for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme

Basic Details
Tender ID: 3006
Tender Reference Number: HLL/PCD/PMSSY/AIIMS-II/23/14-15 dated 24.12.2014
Tender Title: Amendment no.9 regarding extension of closing date and opening for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Tender Category: Supply
Location: Noida
ePublished Date 22-04-2015 01:30 PM
Bid Submission Start Date 22-04-2015 01:30 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date 24-04-2015 01:00 PM
Bid Opening Date 24-04-2015 02:00 PM
1 Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
4 Amendment no. 3 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
5 Amendment no. 4 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
6 Amendment no. 5 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
7 Amendment no. 6 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
9 Amendment no.8 regarding extension of closing time of submission of online bids to 1800 hrs for the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
3 Amendment no. 2 to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
2 Amendment no. 1 : Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
8 Amendment no. 7 regarding extension of closing time for physical submission of tender fee and EMD to the e-tender for supply of medical equipments for Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Work Details
Work Description e-Tender for supply of Neurosurgery department for Six All India Institutes of Medical Science (AIIMS) under PMSSY Scheme
Pre-Qualification As per Tender Document
Amendment no.9 89 Kb Download